

Best Answer

They are countless; Brazil is the richest country when it comes to wildlife. mong the notorious wild animals there are army ants, jaguars, caimans (relatives to crocodiles), cougars (called pumas there), tapirs, peccaries, Harpy eagles, several kinds of vulture, anacondas, rattlesnakes, turtles of several kinds, many kinds of frog including horned and tree frogs, tegu lizards, countless kinds of monkeys, coatis, grisons (relatives to weasels), deer, etc etc etc.
I got this from a website and it shows all of these

Amazonian Manatee

Amazonian Sac-winged Bat

American Giant Rat (South American Giant Rat)

American Manatee

Anteater (Giant Anteater)

Arboreal Mouse

Arboreal Rat (Cleber's Arboreal Rice Rat)

Armadillo (Brazilian Three-Banded Armadillo)

Armadillo (Giant Armadillo)

Azaras Agouti

Bahian Titi (Northern Bahian Blond Titi)

Bahian Titi (Southern Bahian Masked Titi)

Bat (Amazonian Sac-winged Bat)

Bat (Behni's Big-eared Bat)

Bat (Bokermann's Nectar Bat)

Bat (Brazilian Big-eyed Bat)

Bat (Carriker's Round-eared Bat)

Bat (Dekeysers Nectar Bat)

Bat (Ega Long-tongued Bat)

Bat (Greater Ghost Bat)

Bat (Hairy-tailed Bat)

Bat (Least Big-eared Bat)

Bat (Red Myotis)

Bat (Recife Broad-nosed Bat)

Bat (Rufous Dog-faced Bat)

Bat (Schultz's Round-eared Bat)

Bat (Strange Big-eared Brown Bat)

Bat (White-Lined Bat)

Bishop's Fossorial Spiny Rat

Blackish Squirrel Monkey

Black-faced Lion Tamarin

Black-fronted Titi

Black-headed Marmoset

Black-shouldered Opossum

Bear (Spectacled Bear)


Brazilian Spiny Rice Rat

Brazilian Three-Banded Armadillo

Brown Howler Monkey

Bush Dog

Bushy-tailed Opossum

Buffy-headed Marmoset

Candango Mouse

Carriker's Round-eared Bat

Chestnut-striped Short-tailed Opossum

Cleber's Arboreal Rice Rat

Coimbras Titi

Deer (Marsh Deer)

Dekeysers Nectar Bat

Dog (Bush Dog)

Dog-faced Bat (Rufous Dog-faced Bat)

Ega Long-tongued Bat

Emilia's Gracile Mouse Opossum

Emilia's Short-tailed Opossum

Fin Whale

Fossorial Giant Rat

Fossorial Spiny Rat (Bishop's Fossorial Spiny Rat)

Geoffroy's Tufted-ear Marmoset

Giant Anteater

Giant Armadillo

Giant Otter

Giant Rat (Giant Atlantic Tree Rat)

Giant Rat (South American Giant Rat)

Giant Rat (Fossorial Giant Rat)

Goeldi's Marmoset

Golden Lion Tamarin

Gracile Mouse Opossum (Emilia's Gracile Mouse Opossum)

Gray Woolly Monkey

Greater Ghost Bat

Hairy-tailed Bat

Howler Monkey

Howler Monkey (Brown)

Humpback Whale

Least Big-eared Bat

Lion Tamarin (Golden Lion Tamarin)

Lion Tamarin (Black-faced Lion Tamarin)

Long-haired Spider Monkey

Long-nosed Short-tailed Opossum

Long-tongued Bat (Ega Long-tongued Bat)

Lowland Woolly Monkey

Manatee (Amazonian Manatee)

Manatee (American Manatee)

Marmoset (Black-headed Marmoset)

Marmoset (Buffy-headed Marmoset)

Marmoset (Geoffroy's Tufted-ear Marmoset)

Marmoset (Goeldi's Marmoset)

Marmoset (Pigmy Marmoset)

Marajo's Short-tailed Opossum

Marsh Deer

Masked Titi (General Overview)

Masked Titi (Southern Bahian Masked Titi)

Monkey (Blackish Squirrel Monkey)

Monkey (Gray Woolly Monkey)

Monkey (Spider Monkey - Overview)

Monkey (White-whiskered Spider Monkey)

Monkey (Long-haired Spider Monkey)

Monkey (Lowland Woolly Monkey)

Monkey (Squirrel Monkey)

Monkey (Howler Monkey)

Monkey (Brown Howler)

Mouse (Arboreal Mouse)

Mouse (Candango Mouse)

Mouse (Molelike Mouse)

Mouse Opossum (General)

Mouse Opossum (Emilia's Gracile Mouse Opossum)

Myotis (Red Myotis) (Bat)

Muriqui (Southern)

Nectar Bat (Bokermann's Nectar Bat)

Nectar Bat (Dekeysers Nectar Bat)

Northern Bahian Blond Titi

Opossum (Black-shouldered Opossum)

Opossum (Emilia's Short-tailed Opossum)

Opossum (Long-nosed Short-tailed Opossum)

Opossum (Mouse Opossum General Overview)

Opossum (One-striped Short-tailed Opossum)

Opossum (Emilia's Gracile Mouse Opossum)

Opossum (Bushy-tailed Opossum)

Opossum (Chestnut-striped Short-tailed Opossum)

Opossum (Marajo's Short-tailed Opossum)

Opossum (Pygmy Short-tailed Opossum)

Opossum (Shrewish Short-tailed Opossum)

Opossum (Theresa's Short-tailed Opossum)

Otter (Giant Otter)


Pygmy Marmoset

Pygmy Short-tailed Opossum

Rat (Bishop's Fossorial Spiny Rat)

Rat (Brazilian Spiny Rice Rat)

Rat (Cleber's Arboreal Rice Rat)

Rat (Fossorial Giant Rat)

Rat (Giant Atlantic Tree Rat)

Rat (South American Giant Rat)

Rat (White-faced Tree Rat)

Recife Broad-nosed Bat

Red Myotis (Bat)

Red Uakari

Round-eared Bat (Carriker's Round-eared Bat)

Round-eared Bat (Schultz's Round-eared Bat)

Rufous Dog-faced Bat

Sac-winged Bat (Amazonian Sac-winged Bat)

Schultz's Round-eared Bat

Short-tailed Opossum (Chestnut-striped Short-tailed Opossum)

Short-tailed Opossum (Emilia's Short-tailed Opossum)

Short-tailed Opossum (Long-nosed Short-tailed Opossum)

Short-tailed Opossum (Marajo's Short-tailed Opossum)

Short-tailed Opossum (One-striped Short-tailed Opossum)

Short-tailed Opossum (Pygmy Short-tailed Opossum)

Short-tailed Opossum (Shrewish Short-tailed Opossum)

Short-tailed Opossum (Theresa's Short-tailed Opossum)


South American Giant Rat

Southern Bahian Masked Titi

Spectacled Bear

Sperm Whale

Spider Monkey - Overview

Spider Monkey (Long-haired Spider Monkey)

Spider Monkey (White-whiskered Spider Monkey)

Spiny Rat (Bishop's Fossorial Spiny Rat)

Spiny Rat (Brazilian Spiny Rice Rat)

Squirrel Monkey (Overview)

Squirrel Monkey (Blackish Squirrel Monkey)

Strange Big-eared Brown Bat

Tamarin (Golden Lion Tamarin)

Tamarin (Black-faced Lion Tamarin)

Theresa's Short-tailed Opossum

Three-Banded Armadillo (Brazilian)

Titi (Black-fronted Titi)

Titi (Coimbras Titi)

Titi (Masked Titi - General Overview)

Titi (Northern Bahian Blond Titi)

Titi (Southern Bahian Masked Titi)

Toco Toucan

Tree Rat (Giant Atlantic Tree Rat)

Tree Rat (White-faced Tree Rat)

Tufted-ear Marmoset (Geoffroy's Tufted-ear Marmoset)

Uakari (Red Uakari)

Whale (Fin Whale)

Whale (Humpback Whale)

Whale (Sperm Whale)

White-faced Tree Rat

White-Lined Bat

White-whiskered Spider Monkey

Woolly Giant Rat

Woolly Monkey (Gray Woolly Monkey)

Woolly Monkey (Lowland Woolly Monkey)

Toco Toucan, Golden Lion, Tamarin, Howler Monkey, Spider Monkey, Squirrel Monkey, Boto, many kinds of Opposum, Bats, Manatees. There are many others, but these are the major ones.

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Q: What are Brazil's wild animals?
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All animals come from the wild. God created all of them. Animals in Captivity are just descendents of wild animals.

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wild animals are responsible for their self

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Monkey and mongoose are wild animals. Additional wild animals include mouse and monkey.

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Yes! Every contry has wild animals. They have vultures, pumas and other amazing wild animals.

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no, because wild animals are wild for ever and will not be nice with people

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The difference is that tamed animals are like trained and wild animals are like just wild and sometimes dangerous.