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They're reminded of the passage in the Old Testament, translated from the Hebrew Torah,

where the appearance of a rainbow is designated as a reminder of the promise that the

world will never again be destroyed by flood.

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Q: What are Christians reminded of wheever a rainbow appears in the sky?
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== == Computers have lots of names - they differ between, but have one in common. There are lots of people who can just dream about having any. I am incredibly lucky, because my fingers are on the keyboard now and you can read what comes out of my heart, but I too would feel myself as if in the haven in case I would get a computer as the Christmas gift. That would be the real miracle. You asked "What are the most popular Apple computers for Christmas 2007?" I can say for sure just few have any there. I know computers can be used for the earning for the living on line, but that is imposible for the jobless disabled in Lithuania. Of course, it would be the miracle to earn though a penny and to forget the offensive status of the dependent until death, but my main dream is to share my thoughts and to hope you will discover yourself in my writings in spite of all differences of our environment because the same spirit indwells us all wheever we live. Wow, I so like to draw - I enjoy the digital art (the traditional demands the strenght that I havent -thus the digitals are one and only way to continue living in my case. Unfortunately, that is imposible without the tools and I havent even a camera whiile good pgoto demands good profesional camera. Why do I am writing all above now? Wow, you are the luckiest because you are bothered by the questions like ""What are the most popular Apple computers for Christmas 2007?" Christmas are the most precious gift that we accept with the gratitude - all we receive (any kindof computer - even the thought about getting such gift) uplifts the heart and makes the holiday.