

What are Dry magma?

Updated: 12/7/2022
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Q: What are Dry magma?
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Is basaltic magma wet or dry?

Granitic magma is wet.

How do you produce an artificial magma?

combine dry ice and water

How does magma that hardens beneath the surface create land forms?

It creates it because when a volcano erupts, it releases lave and magma which will eventually cool, dry and harden, which creates a volcanic island.

How does lava dry?

Magma does not dry. Drying implies that the magma becomes solid by loss of water. In reality it becomes solid due to a drop in temperature. So, in reality it freezes. When magma solidifies it becomes intrusive igneous rock.

What are the difference between mountains and volcanoes?

Well, it's quite simple. First of all, volcanoes can be dormant, active, or extinct. You don't see a mountain spurting lava, don't you? No, because then it is a volcano. Volcanoes have magma chambers in the bottom where the magma comes to the surface. The magma chamber can empty, and then dry to form a batholith.

What magma is silica-rich thick magma?

An acid magma or a granitic magma.

If you put dry ice in 1 liter magma will it solidify or will it melt the ice?

How much dry ice? Regardless, a signifigant amount to all of the dry ice will sublime (solid CO2 will not melt under any atmospheric circumstances) and some to all of the magna will solidify into igneous rock. The results are dependent on the quantity of dry ice.

How does rising magma create volcanic island?

Dry lava builds up and over time it grows to be above the water and that's how volcanic islands are made.

What is the name for molten rock when its under the ground?

Molten rock under the surface is called "magma". When magma reaches the surface it is called "lava".

What is most magma?


What is the cavity where magma is stored under a volcano called?

This is called the magma chamber.

What name is given to molten rock underground?

Magma is a type of molten rock underground. Hope this helps. :)