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I love you translates as ich liebe Dich.

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Q: What are German words of affection?
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Related questions

What best describes the two words anger and affection?

The two words anger and affection are both are emotions. Anger is a negative emotion, whereas affection is a positive emotion.

Another word for affection?

In the English language : affection, caring...... In other languages : amour (French), liebe (German), dragoste (Romanian).....

What is good for a German Shepherd?

Training, Exercise, Dominance, Food, Affection in that order ;)

Words with the prefix af?

affection and affair. your welcome.:(

What kind of Dog did Adolf Hitler had?


Words meaning the same as like or love?

Affection, enamored,

What are the homonyms for affection?

Homonyms refer to words that have different meanings and spelling but sound similar. Attention, infection and direction are examples of homonyms for affection.

The belief that words and music were closely linked is reflected in the?

the doctrine of affection

Love words starting with A?

affection Answer Amazing, awesome, admiring, adoring.

What are other words that mean to cuddle?

affection, lock, embrace

What part of speech is affection?

The word affection, like other words that end with -ion, is a noun. Other examples of nouns that end in -ion are vacation and function.

When does alienation of affection apply?

The only time I have encountered the term "alienation of affection" applied was when a married couple is broken apart by a third party.In other words, a woman has a relationship with a married man and he no longer has affection for his wife. Hence, his affection for is wife is now alienated because of the other woman.Some states have laws that cover "alienation of affection".