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Q: What are Hindu texts about?
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Could someone please describe the meaning of the Hindu's sacred texts?

The Hindu texts are too vast to be explained here. Please consult Vedic Pandits for the answer to this question.

What is Hindu's rule?

these are the rules followed by Hinduism According to Sacred Texts. Many kings used hindu rules during their kingdom.

What are the upanshads of Hinduism?

sacred texts considered to be an early source of Hindu religion

Who reads the sacred texts of Hinduism?

any hindu can read the Sacred Texts of Hinduism. Mostly they are written in sanskrit so not everyone can read them.

The Rigveda was one of the four sacred texts of what religion?

The Rigveda is one of the four sacred texts of Hinduism. It is one of the oldest texts in the world and forms the foundation of Hindu philosophy, rituals, and practices.

What is the importance of Vishnu in Hinduism?

The Hindu God Vishnu is the supreme being in the religion of Hinduism. He is the master of all and is described in this way in Hindu sacred texts and writings.

What are some Hindu texts?

The Vedas, Upanishads, Manusmriti, Srimad Bhagvatam, Bhagwad Geeta, Ramayana.

What are the sacred texts of the 'shaivities'-the Hindu tantric writings of medieval India called?

Shiva Purana.

Do Hindu's believe in war?

Hinduism is a mainly pacifistic religion, therefore many Hindu's are strongly against war however there is no specific texts which forbid this. In the Sanskrit, there are texts of past wars. However, all the wars were against evil and to protect Dharma.

How many types of bhakti yoga are there?

The Hindu sacred texts list nine forms of bhakti yoga

What is the English definition of the Indian word shruti?

In the concept of Indian music, a shruti is the smallest interval a human ear can hear.

Is sacred texts part of both the Buddhist and the Hindu religion?

Buddism actually started from Hinduism only. There is a possibility that Buddist texts may be influenced by Hinduism and their sacred scripts.