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Metaphors, similes, and onomatopoeia are examples of figurative language used to create vivid imagery and engage the reader's senses in writing. They help convey emotions, ideas, and actions in a more descriptive and imaginative way.

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Q: What are Metaphors Similes and Onomatopoeia are examples of?
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Are similes and metaphors examples of imagery?


What are examples of similes and metaphors in the prologue of romeo and Juliet?

Star cross'd lovers and death mark'd love are examples of metaphors? No they are not. "Bury their parents' strife" maybe. There are no similes in the prologue.

What is MOPS stands for?

MOPS stands for metaphors, onomatopoeia, personification, and similes. This is good to put inside your writing. Metaphors is when you say something is something else. Onomatopoeia is when the word your using sounds like the way it sounds. Personification is when you give an inanimate object human characteristics. Lastly, similes is when you say something is like something else.

Similes and metaphors are both examples of?

figures of speech. Similes and Metaphors are both examples of Poetry. There is also Onomatopoeias, Personification, Literary Allusions, Hyperboles, Understatements, and Irony. Eg. Simile: "Red, Red Rose". Metaphor: "A Candle". Onomatopoeia: "Lepanto". Personification: "The Cat and the Fiddle". Lierary Allusions: "Divine Comedy". Hyperbole: "To His Coy Mstress". Understatement: "Fire and Ice". Irony: "Rime of the Ancient Mariner". These examples are real poems, some by famous poets like Robert Frost. Figure OS speech

How are similes and metaphors different?

All similes are metaphors but not all metaphors are similes.A metaphor is a comparison between two or more dissimilar things. Similes are too, however similes do so by making the comparison using the words like or as.

Who invented similes and metaphors?

Someone did

Does the song Across The Universe have figures of speech in it?

This song is known for its inclusion of metaphors and similes. There are quite a few metaphors, but one of the most imaginative similes is the line: "Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letterbox." There are many other examples of 'figures of speech' in the lyrics.

Does the song pearl have similes and metaphors?

Yes it does

Are metaphors and similes types of imagery?


Why do you use metaphors and similes?

To sound intelligent.