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Q: What are Mountains on the ocean floor that turn into volcanic islands called?
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Sea mountains are volcanic mountains located on the ocean floor?


Volcanic mountains scattered along the ocean basin are?

Seamounts are isolated volcanic mountains scatteredacross the ocean floor

What is the underwater volcanic mountains that divide the ocean floor into two parts?

volcanic mountains not formed on mid-ocean ridge

What is the definition of volcanic islands?

A Volcanic Island is an island that was made from volcanoes erupting from the ocean floor.

Did the volcanic islands in the hawaiian islands rise from the ocean floor?

yes, otherwise they would be floating around

What is a mountain on the ocean floor that can turn into volcanic islands?

seamounts :) hope it helps :D

Volcanoes can form on the ocean floor.?

They can and do. Many small rocky islands in the pacific are volcanic in origin.

How volcanic mountains form?

Volcanic mountains are mountains that form when molten rock erupts onto the Earth's surface. They can either form on land or in the ocean. The Cascade Range in Washington, Oregon and northern California is made of volcanoes. Some of the largest volcanoes are on divergent boundaries, which form the mid-ocean ridges. The mid-ocean ridges have big volcanic mountain chains that run through the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. The mountains in the mid-ocean ridges can actually grow tall enough to create islands such as Iceland or the Azores.Other volcanic mountains can form over hot spots, which are pockets of magma beneath the crust that erupt onto Earth's surface. The Hawaiian Islands are actually the tops of really high volcanic islands that have formed over a hot spot on the sea floor. The main Hawiian island is actually a volcano that is about 9 km above the ocean floor, with a base that is about 160 km wide. Almost 4 km of this island is above sea level.

How did kilauea form?

Mount Kilauea formed as a Shield Volcano, as the Pacific plate moved over a geological hot spot magma broke through the crust of the earth and formed a set of volcanic mountains on the sea floor. The tops of these mountains are now the Hawaiian islands.

What do you call underwater volcanic mountains that rise at least 900 meters above the sea floor?

sea knoll

Why Do We Have Islands?

Islands are created by the movement of continents (which floods the surrounding areas) or by volcanoes that grow from the sea floor. Coral islands have a coral ring around the eroded volcanic rock in the center.

What would happen if volcanic eruptions continued to occur on the sea floor?

There are volcanoes along the floor of the ocean that form a trench. When these volcanoes erupt, it can cause tectonic movements.