

What are Names of any 5 stars of galaxy?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Rigel, Sirius, Betelgeuse, Vega and Polaris

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Q: What are Names of any 5 stars of galaxy?
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i did this research and made my own equation on my own, take our Galaxy for example 1 galaxy=150-350 billion stars lets take 250 billion stars, and if each star has a solar system of 1 to 9 planets, lets say each star has 5. 5 planets times 250 billion stars = 1,250 billion planets and if at least 1 in 5 planets has life on it 1/5 X 1,250 billion planets = 250 billion planets so i think maybe at least 250 billion planets in OUR galaxy have life but that's only our Galaxy (Milky Way) and in the universe there are billions of galaxies maybe trillions, and how do we know this is the only universe, could there be more?

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there are millions and billions of galaxies. I will tell you 5 1:Our Milky Way galaxy 2:Cartwheel galaxy 3:Andromedia galaxy 4:Pegasus galaxy 5:Circinus

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