

What are Nutria Myocastor coypus?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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A myocastor coypus is an animal the lives in wet lands. It is an invasive species which means it takes over land. Its a tough swimmer but clumsy on land. They have 2 to 3 litters a yea. The females have four to 6 young. They are born with fur and teeth also with their eyes open.It eats fresh water plants, leaves, stems, roots, and grains. Their predators are wild cats, red wolves, large snakes (like anacondas), and people. There is a bounty for nutria. Their tail is worth money. When eaten its very similar to rabbit meat but taste like dark turkey meat. You can only eat it in Louisiana. They are Very clean and hardly ever dirty.

By:Marco Garcia

Naylor Middle School

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Nutria can be found in the State of Oregon.

What job or function does the nutria have in its ecosystem?

Nutrias play a role in their ecosystem by feeding on aquatic plants, which helps control plant growth in wetland areas. Their burrowing activities also contribute to soil aeration and water filtration, impacting the overall health and structure of wetland habitats. Additionally, nutrias are prey for some predators, contributing to the food web dynamics in their ecosystem.

How is a groundhog different from a nutria?

Nutria are semi aquatic while groundhogs are terrestrial. Physically, nutria have webbed rear feet and a mostly hairless, long rounded tail while a groundhog has a furry tail and his feet are not webbed. Nutria also have more prominent whiskers than a groundhog and a whitish chin. if you can get a look at the animal's incisors, orange to reddish incisors are characteristic for nutria. Nutria can be distinguished from muskrats by their size (nutria are larger) and their tails. The hairless tail of a muskrat is laterally compressed (thinner from side-to-side than it is top dorsal to ventral) while the tail of the nutria is fully round.