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These are slots (mostly in laptops) which lets you add features to your computer. I've seen network cards, modems, tv tuners, etc. be available for these slots. USB ports are making these slots used less and less.

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Q: What are PC Cards?
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What hardware is used to input photos?

You need a good Digital Camera, Flash memory cards, card Reader , DeskTop Computer or Laptop , and accessories supplied with these equipment. For reproducing a photograph , you need a Scanner with its software for use with a PC or Laptop.

Why constant beep at PC start up and no video?

hardware trouble, that's your motherboard trying to tell you there's an error. when this happens you can either look up the error code or troubleshoot:fiddle with the insides (reseat ram, cards, ide connectors)remove everything that you possibly can from the motherboard(unplug all cards aside from video card, unplug hard drive, CD-ROM drives, DVD-drives, remove any usb/firewire devices that are plugged into PC)swap out parts (this is only really possible if you have spares)remove everything and put it back together if this is happening and the PC has never worked before it would be likely that some part of the setup was DOA, like the memory, video card, motherboard, or CPU

How do you play slapjack?

well you have a deck of cards and you pass the out without looking at the cards and you put the cards down fast! and if someone has a jack slap it and you get all the cards if someone runs out of there cards they lose and you keep playing tell someone wins!!1

How do you transfer snapshot pics from iPhone 4 to a PC with Windows 7?

You can do it through iTunes by downloading it on PC and then Synchronizing the phone with the PC. OR You can download Dropbox or any cloud sharing application and then upload all the pictures to it, Open the same app in the PC and download all the picture to PC.

Does Walmart sell meez cards?

No they do not carry meez cards in Walmart. If you check on meez you will be able to see all the stores that carry meez cards.

Related questions

Are PC Express Cards interchangeable with PC cards?

No PC Express Cards are not interchangeable With PC Cards.PC express cards have new technology than PC cards.But you can easily get an adaptor or converter to allow you to use PC express card as a simple PC card.

Are PC cards hot-swappable?

Yes, PC Cards are hot swappable.

What widths are PC Express cards?

Pc express cards usually come in with 5mm width

In PC cards what does PC stands for?

Personal Card

Are PV ExpressCards interchangeable with PC cards?

No.No PC Express Cards are not interchangeable With PC Cards.PC express cards have new technology than PC cards.But you can easily get an adaptor or converter to allow you to use PC express card as a simple PC card.

If you have gigabit network cards in your PC the internal network will be faster.?

If you have gigabit network cards in your PC the internal network will be faster.

Do PC cards give internet?

PC Card modems do exist.

Are PC Cards interchangeable with ExpressCards?


Are PC ExpressCards interchangeble with PC cards?

i really have no idea, im sorry

How do you get Pokemon trading cards on your PC?

You can't

What does PC cards contain?

very little these days, most devices have migrated to the USB bus and pc cards are a historic device. with integrated devices on the mainboard such as video and audio, pc cards have become mostly obsolete except for industrial computers which require specific interface cards which is too costly to develop for limited use.

Which Graphics Cards is best to run on PC?

The best graphics card to run in a PC will be based on what your motherboard is able to support and what type of connection it has. Normally, boards with PCI express are good cards. However, some of the best cards are Radeon cards or Invida cards, which are not cheap normally.