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All businesses need to set objectives for themselves or for the products or services they are launching. What does your company, product or service hope to achieve? Setting objectives are important., it focuses the company on specific aims over a period of time and can motivate staff to meet the objectives set. A simple acronym used to set objectives is called SMART objectives.SMART stands for: 1. Specific - Objectives should specify what they want to achieve.

2. Measurable - You should be able to measure whether you are meeting the objectives or not.

3. Achievable - Are the objectives you set, achievable and attainable?

4. Realistic - Can you realistically achieve the objectives with the resources you have?

5. Time - When do you want to achieve the set objectives?
A SMART objective means that objectives should be specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time Bound. This is a classic Mnemonic in order to formulate an effective set of objectives.

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3mo ago

SMART objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals that help individuals and organizations set clear and focused targets for their work. By ensuring that objectives meet these criteria, it becomes easier to track progress, stay motivated, and achieve desired outcomes.

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What is SMART learning?

SMART learning refers to an approach to learning that is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. It involves setting clear goals, tracking progress, ensuring goals are feasible and relevant, and establishing a timeline for completion. SMART learning helps individuals and organizations stay focused and motivated to achieve their learning objectives efficiently.

Discuss the relationship between objectives strategies and policies?

Objectives are specific goals that an organization aims to achieve, strategies are the broad plans developed to reach those objectives, and policies are the guidelines or rules that dictate how strategies are implemented. Objectives provide direction, strategies outline the approach to be taken, and policies ensure consistency in decision-making and operations to achieve the objectives. Together, they form a framework that guides an organization towards its desired outcomes.

In assessing the curriculum Are the objectives relevant?

Yes, assessing the curriculum objectives involves evaluating their relevance to the learning outcomes and educational goals. The objectives should align with the overall purpose of the curriculum and provide clear guidance on what students are expected to achieve. Evaluating the relevance of objectives helps ensure that the curriculum is focused, effective, and meaningful for students.

Differences between educational and instructional objectives?

Instructional objectives are stated in terms of teacher’s behaviour. These objectives guide teachers to help his/her students to achieve the specific kind of behaviour the students should exhibit. A behavioural objective is stated in terms of student’s behaviour to achieve desired behaviour. Instructional objectives focus teaching on relatively narrow topics of learning in a content area. These concrete objectives are used in planning daily lessons. Behavioural objective is a clear and unambiguous description of your educational expectations for students. Behavioral or performance objectives are stated in terms of an observable behaviour that a student will perform after having completed the learning activity. Instructional objectives are less abstract, more specific and are behavioral in nature. Behavoura objectives are heavily depends on the purpose(s) of objectives. Different teachers adopt different way to write behavioural /performance objectives. Instructional objectives are specific statements of intermediate learning outcomes necessary for acquiring a terminal behavioural objective, expressed from the learner’s point of view and written in behavioural terms. Behavioral objectives can be written for any of the domains of instruction (i.e., cognitive, affective, or psychomotor.) Instructional objectives can be thought of as intermediate behaviors to be acquired during the instructional period but not the final behavior toward which the learning is being oriented. They are intermediate in that they occur between the initiation of instruction and the learner’s arrival at the desired terminal behavior. When written in behavioural terms, an objective will include three components: student behaviour, conditions of performance, and performance criteria. The behavioural /performance objectives are purposely written in a form that translates long term aims and goals into daily or short term actions.

Why does curriculum basically start from determining the learning objectives?

Determining learning objectives is a critical step in curriculum development because it sets clear goals and outcomes for what students are expected to achieve. By starting with learning objectives, educators can design effective teaching strategies and assessment methods to ensure that students acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. This approach helps align the curriculum with desired learning outcomes and facilitates effective teaching and learning.