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Q: What are South America's Northern Cone Countries?
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What 4 countries are included in the southern cone of south America?

Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile.

Which is the cone-like superstructure of a Northern Indian temple?

shikara (shikhara)

Are there any poisonous snails?

yes, the Cone Shell snails are poisonous. Two of the most poisonous and dangerous to humans are the Geographer Cone and Textile Cone found in the south pacific.

Tree or shrub of northern temporate regions toothed leaves and cone like fruit?


What plateau can be found in the southern cone of south america?


What makes South America unique?

it is shaped like an ice cream cone

How did ananas get translated to pineapple in English?

When European explorers discovered this tropical fruit in the Americas, they called them "pineapples" due to resemblance to what is now known as the pine cone.

When and where did baseball player Fred Cone play?

Fred Cone debuted on May 5, 1871, playing for the Boston Red Stockings at South End Grounds I; he played his final game on September 9, 1871, playing for the Boston Red Stockings at South End Grounds I.

Why are conic projetion maps cone shapes?

Conic projection maps are cone-shaped because they are created by projecting the Earth's surface onto a cone wrapped around it. This projection technique is useful for representing mid-latitude regions with minimal distortion, as the cone's contact points are typically around 30 degrees north and south latitudes.

What is the overall shape of this continent like in which direction does it tapper?

south America is in cone shape & it trapper in southerndirection it trapper

Is Mount Kenya a composite cone a cinder cone or a shield cone?

A shield cone.

What is a cone bearer?

A cone bearer is a cone that bears