

What are Th1 and Th2?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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13y ago

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Th1 and Th2 are part of your adaptive immunity. They are the effector T cells with specific function. Th1 acts directly on macrophages to make it able to defeat pathogens and Th1 activates B cells.

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How can B cell mature into plasma cell?

The surface immunoglotulin that serves as the B-Cell antigen receptor (BCR) has two roles in B-cell activation. First, like the antigen receptor on T cells, it transmits signals directly to the cell's interior when it binds antigen. Second, the B-Cell antigen receptor delivers the antigen to intracellular sites where it is degraded and returned to the B-cell surface as peptides bound to MHC class II molecules.

What is the function of the cytotoxic T cells?

Cytotoxic T cell's primary responsibility is to kill infected cells. I'll start from the beginning. From a progenitor cell in the bone marrow, the T cell will begin maturation in the thymus. In the thymus it begins in the cortex as a pro T cell. In this stage it is considered a double negative cell (I'll explain more later). Here it has the beta chain (V,D,J's) rearranged. Next it becomes a pre T cell. By now the T cell has finished rearranging its beta chain and now begins rearrangement of its alpha chain. Both the beta and alpha chain under go allelic exclusion. This prevents one of the alleles from being expressed (this would be mom's or dad's). If the pro T cell made a beta chain from your mothers allele, your father's allele would be suppressed. This is an important feature, otherwise you could accidentally make a stop codon and that would stop your T cell development right there. So as a pre T cell it continues to proliferate and it upregulates CD3, CD4 and CD8. You have two types of T cells that it can mature to. CD4 and CD8. A CD4 T cell is also known as a helper T cell and a CD8 T cell is also called a cytotoxic T cell. They function very differently but at this point the T cell doesn't know which one it will become. Therefore it is at this juncture a double positive thymocyte. The next phase is an immature T cell. Here the alpha chains have finished rearrangement (also allelic exclusion applies here). Now the cell will undergo positive and negative selection. The immature T cell is tested by thymic epithelial cells (TEC). TEC's have a unique feature that belongs to professional antigen presenting cells (APC's) and that is expressing both MHC class I and MHC class II on its cell surface. An immature T cell that can bind to a TEC's MHC class I or MHC class II is positively selected to continue maturation. This is an important step because ensures that your T cells are specific for your body's MHCs. However, if the immature sticks too strongly, it will be neglected and eventually die. You don't want a mature T cell that binds way too strongly on your own cells either. Those that don't bind at all will also die by neglect. The strict standards ends up killing about 95% of all maturing T cells. The immature T cell that was capable of binding to MHC class I molecule is signaled to become a CD8 or cytotoxic cell and the immature T cell that was capable of binding to MHC class II molecule is signaled to become a CD4 or helper T cell. Now that your immature T cells have been primed to your own body, it will undergo negative selection. In this process it is exposed to other types of cells, dendritic cells and macrophages. Dendritic cells and macrophages are part of your APCs. If the T cell binds too strongly it will also die by neglect. Congratulations! Your immature T cell is now a mature naive T cell. It is now ready to leave your thymus and it will be stored mainly in your lymph nodes to await an infection. Now that your cytotoxic T (CD8) cell has been made, it waits in your lymph node for an infection. A dendritic cell (remember these guys? they are present all over your body) will come in through an afferent lymphatic vessel from the source of infection. An important feature of cytotoxic T cells is that it targets cytoplasmic infection, or more specifically viruses. Generally viruses proliferate within a cell and antibodies cannot get to them if the virus is residing inside one of your own cells. So the dendritic cell gets infected and travels through the afferent lymphatic vessel into your lymph nodes. Here waits all of your adaptive immunity responses. It's an ambush! Your cytotoxic cells have been waiting for this moment. The cytotoxic cell that is specific for the antigen that is presented on the dendritic cell latches on. There are two signals that activate the cytotoxic (CD8) cell. B7 from the dendritic cell attaches to CD28 on the cytotoxic T cell and CD8 attaches to the dendritic cell. The cytotoxic cell is now activated and it is now on a mission to destroy. It secretes IL-2 which binds to itself. This is an autocrine function that signals the cytotoxic cell to replicate like crazy. Your army travels out through the efferent lymphatic vessel into your blood stream. Eventually it arrives to the cells that are infected. It is capable of binding to the same antigens that it first recognized from the dendritic cell that brought it inside initially. It latches on with CD8 and releases its' weapons. Perforin is released which punches holes into the cell and granzymes are also released which induces apoptosis (cell death). Memory T cells are also made to fight against future infection. These are long lasting cells. Your other T cells (remember them?) the helper T cells come by and deactivate your cytotoxic T cells with FasR and CTLA-4. Hope that helps.

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What secretes cytokines?

Yes. T cells can differentiate into several kinds of T cells such as Tregs, Th1, Th2, Th3, Th17 and others. Each specialized T cell can be be characterized (to some degree) by the cytokines they secrete. Th1 cells secrete IFN gamma while Th2 cells secrete IL4, IL5, IL9 and IL13. These are not the only cytokines they are capable of secreting, but these are the predominate ones.

What are the 3types of t cells?

Cytotoxic CD8 T cell Helper (Th1) CD 4 T cell Helper (Th2) CD 4 T cell

What types of t cells are formed during activation?

T cells can be divided into CD4 cells (T helper cells) and CD8 cells (cytoxic T cells).There are then many different types of T helper cells, the main ones being TH1 and TH2 cells. TH1 cells are involved in antigen presentation and cellular immunity (eg. phagocytic cells). TH2 cells are involved in humoral immunity (production of antibodies) and allergy reactions.The cytokines (signalling molecules) released by the dendritic cell during T cell activation are responsible for the differentiation of T cells into different types. Further cytokines then cause the differentiation into TH1, TH2, etc.(There are also regulatory T cells which suppress the functions of other T cells to prevent the immune system attacking self molecules)

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It isn't; it is your immune system working properly. The problem is your immune system is firing against a toxin that is lodged in your own body's tissues. When the toxin (now called an antigen) cannot die, your immune system becomes Th1 or Th2 dominant.

Is multiple sclerosis cause by insufficient immunological responses to pathogens?

No. It is your immune system working properly. The problem is your immune system is firing against a toxin that is lodged in your own body's tissues. When the toxin (now called an antigen) cannot die, your immune system becomes Th1 or Th2 dominant.

Adaptive immunity is produced by which cell?

There are many cells involved in adaptive immunity and requires them to work together for a fully functional adaptive response. These cells include: CD4 (Th1 & Th2) T cells, B cells (plasma and memory), professional antigen presenting (APC) cells that include: dendritic cell, B cells and macrophages.

Are B cells are activated with the help of TH2 cells?

Yes, Th2 cells activate B cells with mostly cytokines IL-4, IL-5, IL-10. Some B cells can activate without the help of Th2 cells, however, there are certain requirements for this such as repeated epitope.

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TNF,gamma interferon, IL-1,IL-3

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