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Q: What are a couple of reasons people wanted to become colonists?
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What three reasons did people come to America for?

To begin a new life,to seek religious freedom, and the colonists wanted to create their own policies. So the desire independence.

How are the colonists reasons for coming to america similar to those of today's immigrants?

Like many of today's immigrants, there were colonists who came to America because they were facing persecution (or experiencing prejudice) because of their religious or cultural beliefs. Also, like many of today's immigrants, there were colonists who came to America seeking a better life for themselves and their family, and economic opportunities that were not available to them in the old country.

Why did Britain impose taxes on the colonists?

Parliment did this for a couple of reasons. Firstly, some believed that the colonists should help pay for the expenses of the army sent during the French-Indian war to protect the colonists. Also, under mercantilism, Britain wanted to use the raw supplies of America to fuel their industry. The Proclamation of 1763 was the start of the end of salutary neglect for the colonists as Britain began taking a more active role in governing the colonies.

When was the t shirt invented?

For a couple reasons one so that people can't see through your clothes and so when working out at the gym it can absorb the swet....

American colonists were unlike people in most colonies and nations becuase?

The colonists talked about tyranny because royal governors tried to American colonists were unlike people in most colonies and nations.

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What three reasons did people come to America for?

To begin a new life,to seek religious freedom, and the colonists wanted to create their own policies. So the desire independence.

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Someone might choose to be a patriot because they have pride in their country's values, traditions, and culture. They may also feel a sense of duty to protect and defend their country from external threats. Being a patriot can provide a strong sense of identity and belonging.

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There are many reasons why people become vegetarians. Some people do it for health and others do it to support animal rights.

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What were some of the reasons colonists came to the southern colonists?

some people came looking for gold, some came for religious freedom, and some people came to work as indentured servants. (others who came were slaves or forced slaves.)

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People would continue to be abusive to others for many reasons. A couple of reasons could include: alcohol abuse, drug abuse and certain mental disorders.

How are the colonists reason for coming to America similar to those to today immigrants?

The colonists' reasons for coming to America is similar to those of today's immigrants because colonists' came to America for gold and riches.They also came to America because the wanted a better life.Like in today's life time,people come for a better life and good How_are_the_colonists'_reasons_for_coming_to_America_similar_to_those_of_today's_immigrants, to feed their children.This is how colonists' reasons for coming to America are similar to those of today's immigrants.

How are the colonists reasons for coming to america similar to those of today's immigrants?

Like many of today's immigrants, there were colonists who came to America because they were facing persecution (or experiencing prejudice) because of their religious or cultural beliefs. Also, like many of today's immigrants, there were colonists who came to America seeking a better life for themselves and their family, and economic opportunities that were not available to them in the old country.

What economic conditions in England contributed to the reasons why the colonists moved to the new world?

the reason why the people of europe wanted to move was based on religouse views

Why do you want to become a salesperson?

different people have different reasons so there is no correct answer to this question !