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Iguanodon was a four legged plant eater. Its hindlimbs were longer and stronger than its forelimbs, allowing it to stand on two feet to reach higher leaves, search for predators, and even to run faster on two legs than it could on four. It was one of the first plant eating dinosaurs to have the ability to thoroughly chew its food, which enabled it to digest tougher vegetation more effectively than other dinosaurs. The Iguanodon's cheeks kept food in its mouth while it chewed, and its keratinous beak helped it to crop off vegetation, as they had no front teeth. They also had large claws on their thumbs, which could have been used to defend themselves against predators in the case that the Iguanodon couldn't flee.

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Q: What are a few adaptations for Iguanodons?
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Who found iguanodons?

Richard Owen first discovered it

Are iguanodons carnivoires?

Iguanodons aren't carnivores, or meat eaters. They are herbivores, or plant eaters. We know this by the structure of their teeth and jaw bones, as well as other fossil evidence.

What are a iguanodons predators?

Utahraptor, Arcrocanthosaurus, Gorgosaurus, Dromaeosaurus, Hallalikian and Noasaurus.

What are facts about iguanodons?

the iguanodon is a herbavore and was one of the first dinosoar named by science

What is the black nerite structural adaptations?

Structural adaptations are adaptations to the body.These can include:Tough, waterproof shell,OperculumGillsRadula (for feeding)There are a lot more but these are a few

Why do adaptations vary among species?

Adaptations vary among species for quite a few reasons. One reason that adaptations vary is because the environments are different.

What are some carnivore adaptations?

A carnivor adaptiation is to go with out foood for a few days.

Do adaptations happen in a few years?

No. Adaptions usually take many generations to develop.

What is the iguanodons real name?

Iguanodon is its genus name. There is one currently accepted species of the Iguanodon genus. This species's Latin name is Iguanodon bernissartensis.

How are iguanodons born?

Iguanodon would have hatched from eggs. This is how all dinosaurs were born. It is unknown whether Iguanodon raised their young or their young had to fend for themselves.


Phloem cells do not have a nucleus, and they have very few vacuoles. They act much like a sieve.