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Q: What are a few of the ways our bodies keep themselves cool and warm?
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How did the eastern woodland Indians keep themselves cool?

Don't u mean warm!

How do hyenas keep warm?

Hyenas often times use their saliva to cool themselves or they dig small holes and lay in the cool earth. Sometimes, hyenas will smear their own feces on themselves to keep cool.

How do chimpanzees keep warm?

The fur on their bodies keep them warm.

Is air conditioning to keep you warm or cool?

It keeps you cool, and heating is to keep you warm.

How do ants keep their bodies warm?

Ants (and all insects) are cold blooded so they don't keep their bodies warm.

How do birds keep themselves cool?

They are warm blooded meaning that their metabolism speeds up or slows down to maintain a desired answer. I apologize for not having time to go into more detail.

What do all mammals have common?

Warm bodies , they have fur to keep them warm.

Why people use air con?

people use air cons to keep themselves cool in summer. it's like how we use heaters in winter to keep warm.

Why are dogs have hair?

They have Fur to keep their bodies warm.

How do the whales and seals keep themselves warm because they have?

Whales and Seals have a layer of fat under their skins which act as an insulator/prevent heat loss from their bodies

How does insulation keep a home warm?

Insulation can help keep a warm house warm or a cool house cool. It reduces the transfer of heat by conduction, so warm air stays warm, and cool air stays cool. Insulation is a material that is a poor conductor of heat, usually because of pockets of trapped air.

How will a python keep warm or cool?

Snakes can't regulate their tempature because they are cold blooded. When they want to warm up they sun themselves usually on a flat surface such as a rock. To get cool they will retreat to the shade. Many snakes live under rocks or holes in the ground where they go to get cool.