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The Grey Wolves have great hearing that allows them to communicate from long distances, but it also allows them to hunt their prey from a long distance, too.

They also have a great ability to smell from long distances. Grey Wolves have foot pads that increase and decrease blood flow to keep warm when they trek through cold and wet areas (snow, creeks, etc.). Their fur is extremely thick, as well as several layers, that allows them to stay warm and dry.

Something that most people don't realize is that the Grey Wolf has great stamina that allows them to hunt or look for mates for long periods of time. But the Wolf is very smart and knows not to overexert itself and risk injury or, even worse, death.

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they use their 4 legs.

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Gray wolfs are pregnant for approx 60 to 63 days

What is a gray wolfs genus?

The genus of the grey wolf is Canis.

How many gray wolfs are left in the us now?

800 or so.

How many gray wolfs are left?

About 250 <- bad answer by me there are about 100 left

What are baby gray wolves called?

baby wolfs are called cubs

What is the prophsey of gray?

gray is in the shade of light black, or dark white. the color gray is in the animals of manatees, wolfs, birds, an allot more.