

What are a panda's relatives?

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9y ago

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The giant pandas are related to bears because they are classified under the scientific family of Ursidae. In this family, there are different species of bears, such as the brown bear and spectacled bear.

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Q: What are a panda's relatives?
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Chinese relatives of the raccoon and its 2 words?

Red Pandas? Probably.

What are the pandas relatives?

panda bears are related to grizzly bears and some people say they are related to the raccoon.

What organisms that are classified with red panda?

Red Pandas are in the family Ailuridae which includes Red Pandas and their extinct relatives. Most scientists will tell you that red pandas are also distantly related to the family Procyonidae which includes raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles.

How are pandas unlike polar bears?

Well, for one, it's habitat. The Giant Panda lives in the mountains of China, and have adapted to that sort of enviroment. Also, pandas look different to any other bear in its own way, including the rings around its eyes ect.. Pandas are not actually bears. Their closest relatives are racoon-type mammals.

What is the possessive of pandas?

The possessive form of the plural noun pandas is pandas'.Example: Development by people is encroaching on the pandas' habitat.

Are red pandas related to bears or raccoons?

Neither! It is not a bear, nor closely related to the giant panda, nor a raccoon, nor a lineage of uncertain affinities. Rather it is a basal lineage of musteloid, with a long history of independence from its closest relatives (skunks, and otters/weasels/badgers).

What are pandas species?

red pandas and giant pandas

Are red pandas a panda at all?

Technically, yes red pandas are pandas. In fact they were the very first pandas. The other pandas were named after it.

What two kinds of pandas are there?

There are Giant Pandas and Red Pandas.

Are female pandas bigger than male pandas?

No.Male pandas are bigger than female pandas.

What is the natural history of pandas?

pandas come from larger pandas, who later grow to be big and have little pandas

How do pandas play with other pandas?

pandas are shy animal and it behaiver other pandas sucessful behaiver.