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Q: What are adaptations do black and orange tigers have to live?
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Where do orange tigers live?

In the wild orange tigers tend to live in places like India with dense forests. Most orange tigers however live in captivity.

Where do tigers and white tigers live?

Orange Tigers live in North America White Tigers live near Russia

Do black tigers live in groups?

There are no black tigers.

What do you call where Orange tigers live?


Is there a leader of white tiger packs?

Tigers generally live alone and therefore do not form packs. Further, white tigers are only a rare color morph of typical orange and black tigers like Siberian tigers, so there would probably never be a group of white tigers in the wild.

Why are white tigers cream not orange?

For Bengal tigers who live in India, it is a genetic mutation of the fur colour. For siberians (who obviously live in Siberia, in Russia) it is the colour they change in the winter for camouflage, but in the summer, they are orange.

What are the differences between a lion and tiger?

The tiger has an orange color with black stripes, while the lion has a tawny buff color. The lion has a mane, while tigers don't. Lions live in groups/prides, while tigers are solitary (that means they live alone).

Do tigers blend in with trees?

A tiger's stripes provide excellent camoflage, allowing it to disappear among vegetation.

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Does Siberian tigers and black bears live in the same place?


Do Siberian tigers eat black bears?

No, black bears normally don't live where Siberians do.

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