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They must be capable of surviving on only the small amount of moisture provided by the fog that moves into parts of the desert off the Pacific Ocean. A few cacti and lichens manage to survive.

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Q: What are adaptations for plants that live in the Atacama Desert?
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Would plants be able to live on the desert?

Yes, plants live in all but the most exteme of deserts such as the Antarctic where few plants live and are rare in the Atacama Desert.

What is the Atacama Desert like?

The Atacama is very barren and dry. The temperatures are mild and not hot. Few plants or animals live there.

Does a desert horned lizard live in the Atacama Desert?

No, desert horned lizards live in the deserts of the Southwest United States, not in the Atacama desert.

How did the guanaco adapt to the environment of the Atacama Desert?

Few guanacos live in the actual Atacama Desert. Those few that are found there have adapted to feeding on lichens and blooms from cacti. They are able to survive on the moisture taken in from these plants.

Which desert do the Incas live in?

Incas lived in Atacama desert.

What is the dance performed in the Atacama Desert?

The queca is performed by many of the Quechua Indians who live on the fringes of the Atacama Desert.

What lives on the Atacama Desert?

The Incas moved into parts of Chile, including the Atacama Desert. The Atacameno tribe was already living in the desert prior to the arrival of the Incas. There are also a number of cities along the Chilean coast as well as some smaller towns in mining areas.

Does the Logical lizard live in the Atacama Desert?

There is no lizard species called the 'Logical Lizard' in the Atacama or any other desert in the world.

Why does a cactus grow in deserts?

The cactus has a number of structural adaptations that allow it to live in the harsh conditions of the desert. Many other plants lack these adaptations and cannot survive in a desert.

Why can't other plants live in the deciduous forest?

Plants that live in the deciduous forest have special adaptations that allow them to live there. Other plants do not have these adaptations.

What lizards live in the Atacama Desert?

Some of the plants that live in the Atacama Desert are salt bushes, buckwheat bushes, black bushes, rice grass, little leaf horse brush, black sage, and chrysothamnus. However, these plants only survive in areas where there is, at least, seasonal surface water or oasis. In some areas the only plants to be seen are a few lichens and cacti that survive from water vapor brought in by dense fog from the Pacific Ocean.

Do mesquites live in the desert or in cool places?

Most mesquites live in hot deserts and grasslands. However, there are mesquites in some parts of the Atacama Desert which is classified as a cool coastal desert.