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There are no adjacent plates -_-

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Q: What are adjacent plates of Yellowstone?
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How many adjacent plates are there to the one you live on?

I live on the North American Plate so 7 plates are found adjacent to us.

What way are the plates moving in Yellowstone?

Yellowstone is in the middle of the North American Plate, not at a boundary between plates. The geothermal activity in Yellowstone is due to its being on top of a vigorous hot spot that is powering a very large mid-plate volcano.

What are yellowstone volcanoes plates?

The Yellowstone volcano is well withing the boundaries of the North American plate. It formed over a hot spot rather than a plate boundary.

What plates are adjacent to the US plate and how do they effect it?

the science plate tectonics and they are going to travel in all directions until our land cracks

What is a mint plate block of stamps?

Stamps are printed using metal plates. The plates are marked with a number on the margins. A plate block consists of the stamps adjacent to that number in pairs, usually four or six stamps.

Which plates are adjacent to that plate and could have an effect on it?

This question is incomplete. What plate? If you are talking about North American plate that could have an effect on it are the Eurasian, the Caribbean, the Cocos, the Pacific, the Juan de Fuca, the African, and Okhost plates.

Are volcanoes located in the center plates?

Not usually. Most volcanoes are located near plate boundaries, but some volcanoes at hot spots do form in the middle of plates. A few include the volcanoes of Hawaii, the volcano at Yellowstone, and the Volcanoes of the Canary Islands.

The different types of adjacent plates of the Caribbean?

The four major ones are cocos, nazca, south american plate and north american plate

What is the original definition for plate tectonics?

Originally it was thought that the earth's lithosphere (crust) was made of individual plates that are broken down into over a dozen large and small pieces of rock. These fragmented plates collided with, slid under or moved past adjacent plates. This is what shaped the earth's landscape.

Is the Yellowstone supervolcano in a city?

No. It is in Yellowstone National Park. There are no cities in Yellowstone.

Is the Yellowstone Plateau in Yellowstone park?

yes, and no. most of is located in Yellowstone, but some is not.

Which plates are adjacent to the united state plate?

Science, Plate Tectonics...14?