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Not usually. Most volcanoes are located near plate boundaries, but some volcanoes at hot spots do form in the middle of plates. A few include the volcanoes of Hawaii, the volcano at Yellowstone, and the Volcanoes of the Canary Islands.

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Q: Are volcanoes located in the center plates?
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Where are hot spot volcanoes located in relation on Earths plates?

In the center/middle of the plate.

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Where are volcanoes normally located?

Over tectonic plates.

Why are most volcanoes located by the ring of fire?

Because of the movement of tectonic plates.

Why don't we have volcanoes in North America?

volcanoes usually form at the edges of tectonic plates, which is one of the reasons that there are many in the Ring Of Fire. North America is not really located at the edge of many plates so there are not that many volcanoes.

Where are earthquakes usailly located?

The same places as volcanoes, on the coasts of countries and near plates

Why are most of the earthquakes and volcanoes located at the border of the tectonic plates?

Beacause plates, at tectonic, boundaries shift against each other.

Do plates pulling apart cause volcanoes?

no but coliding plates create volcanoes

What kind of plates cause volcanoes?

Plates do not cause volcanoes. Volcanoes generally form at the boundaries between plates. They form at convergent and divergent boundaries.

What relationship exists between the location of earthquakes and the location of volcanoes?

Both Volcanoes and earthquakes are located where plates of the earth's crust are coming together. This motion and interaction at the edges of the plates is called plate tectonics.

Why are volcanoes typically located near medium and deep earthquakes?

because there by the edge of the tectonic plates.

Why are most volcanoes located on the edges of continents?

because the crust is thinner and the techtonic plates meet.