

What are all of the islands on Skullduggery Island?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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The island where you land is Fort Ridley and includes Main Street, the farm, and the governor's house.

The 5 trading islands are:

Dragon Cove - upper left

Bouffant Bay - upper right

Parrot Port - middle right

Golden Harbor - lower right

Pirate Outpost - lower left

*The hidden island that is revealed by the map pieces is just right of the Pirate Outpost.

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Q: What are all of the islands on Skullduggery Island?
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The 6th outlying island is hidden until you collect all 5 map pieces (one from each of the trading islands). It only comes into play after you have driven off Captain Crawfish and have the Treasure Location card from the Governor. Travel to Skullduggery and use the bone shovel to dig at the marked location.

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When you have all five map pieces from the 5 trading islands, select them from the item list and they will combine, and the new small island (Skullduggery) will appear near the Pirate Outpost. You can't do anything there until you have beaten Captain Crawfish and returned to see the governor.

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There is a dock at the bottom side of the small island, Skullduggery. The island appears when you have collected all 5 of the pieces of the Treasure Map.

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When you have all of the map pieces from the 5 trading islands, the 6th island (Skullduggery) appears near the Pirate Outpost. You cannot do anything there until you have beaten Captain Crawfish. This will require the largest ship, the Phoenix Warbird, as well as hiring the Shipwright and Cannoneer. Once you have beaten Captain Crawfish, go to see the governor and he will give you the directions to the buried treasure on the hidden island.

Poptropica skullduggery What does the cargo do?

OK look when you get to all islands you have to trade them