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In the myths, they were meant to punish, reward, look over, fall in love with, help and hurt the mortals and animals. Hera was to look over the married women, Aphrodite, love and beauty, Dememter, the crops... ect.

Listed below:

Zues: Lord of the air

Hera: Married women

Aphrodite:Love and Beauty

Appollo: Musicians and truth

Artimis: HUnting and young girls

Athena: Wisdom and war

Dememter: Crops

Hephastus: Blacksmiths

Ares: war (though rude and a bully unlike Athena)

Dynosious: Wine and grapes)

Hermes: Messenger

Posiden: Seas (not olympian)

Hades: Underworld (not Olympian)

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Q: What are all of the twelve Olympians purposes?
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