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Q: What are all possible conclusions to itchy red bumps on the outside of the vagina other than herpes?
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Can you get STD when boyfriend lick your vagina?

Cold sores are a form of herpes. If he has a cold sore and his lips touch your vagina, then you can absolutely get genital herpes.

Can you get pregnant if your boyfriend comes outside your vagina but your a virigin?

Yes. It is not as likely as if he penetrated but it is still possible.

Can you get boils on your vagina if that is what this looks like?

Yes, you can develop boils on the vagina and anywhere else on your body. If your not sexually active, you can rule out herpes or warts.

How do you stop your vagina bulging out?

If your vagina -- the inside passage -- is bulging out, see your gynecologist for information on possible treatments. This prolapse can be fixed with surgery or medicine.On the other hand, if your vulva -- the outside parts around the vagina -- is bulging out, this is normal. They grow more with arousal.

Can a bladder or kidney infection cause open sores on the vagina?

No, but herpes or other infection or irritation can cause both open sores and pain with urination. See your health care provider as soon as possible.

What is the medical condition vaginal prolapse?

Bulging of the top of the vagina into the lower vagina or outside the opening of the vagina.

What does it mean when you haveblisters on your vagina?

You need to see your doctor. You may have herpes and it is very contagious to your sexual partner.

Does herpes always show up on the labia's of the vagina.. or can it sometimes show up ONLY in the hair region?

Herpes can appear on various parts of the genital area, including the labia and the hair region. It is possible for herpes to only manifest in the hair region without any visible lesions on the labia. If you suspect you have herpes, it's important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

The connection of the uterus to the outside of the body is?

The vagina connects the uterus to the outside of the body.

What are vaginal lesions?

Vaginal lesions are sores that are located inside or outside of the vagina. There are several causes of vaginal lesions; which include herpes, HPV, bartholin gland cysts, or sexually transmitted infections. Follow up with a physician is recommended if you display these symptoms.

What is next to the vagina?

Next to the vagina is an outlet that carries urine from the bladder to the outside. This is called the urethra.

What is muscular passageway from the uterus to outside the body?

The Vagina.