

What are all the 88 constellations?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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* Andromeda * Antlia * Apus * Aquarius * Aquila * Ara * Aries * Auriga * Boötes * Caelum * Camelopardalis * Cancer * Canes Venatici * Canis Major * Canis Minor * Capricornus * Carina * Cassiopeia * Centaurus * Cepheus * Cetus * Chamaeleon * Circinus * Columba * Coma Berenices * Corona Austrina * Corona Borealis * Corvus * Crater * Crux * Cygnus * Delphinus * Dorado * Draco * Equuleus * Eridanus * Fornax * Gemini * Grus * Hercules * Horologium * Hydra * Hydrus * Indus * Lacerta * Leo * Leo Minor * Lepus * Libra * Lupus * Lynx * Lyra * Mensa * Microscopium * Monoceros * Musca * Norma * Octans * Ophiuchus * Orion * Pavo * Pegasus * Perseus * Phoenix * Pictor * Pisces * Piscis Austrinus * Puppis * Pyxis * Reticulum * Sagitta * Sagittarius * Scorpius * Sculptor * Scutum * Serpens * Sextans * Taurus * Telescopium * Triangulum * Triangulum Australe * Tucana * Ursa Major * Ursa Minor * Vela * Virgo * Volans * Vulpecula

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The celestial sphere has been completely divided into 88 constellations, so yes.The celestial sphere has been completely divided into 88 constellations, so yes.The celestial sphere has been completely divided into 88 constellations, so yes.The celestial sphere has been completely divided into 88 constellations, so yes.

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There are 88 constellations recognized by astronomers right now.

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There are 88 constellations.

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There are 88 constellations to be known by scientists.

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There is a total of 88 constellations, not 12. There are 88 constellations total today but, there are only 27 major constellations and 12 zodiacal constellation signs total.

How many constellations in the Earth?

There are no constellations in the Earth. They are in space. There are 88 official constellations.

Where is the constellation located in the sky?

All the stars in the sky have been assigned to 88 separate constellations, so there are constellations all over the sky.

How many constellations are there in the world?

there are 88 constellations known by scientists