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Q: What are all the avenues in DC named after?
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Which state in the United States does not have a street in dc?

Except for California Street and Ohio Drive, all the states have avenues named after them. There is also a Columbia Street for the District.

Do all the states have streets named after them in Washington DC?


What is the shortest avenue in Washington DC named for a US state?

The shortest of the avenues is Indiana Avenue, found near Judiciary Square and the Archives. It stretches less than half a mile, exclusively in Northwest.

After what city was Washington DC modeled?

Although many believe that DC was modeled after Paris, it is simply not true. DC was actually modeled after Versailles with an iconic building in the center and large avenues going away from it. Paris only became a city with large public spaces and large avenues in the late 1800s. In the late 1800s the city was designed to look like Versailles, and ironically, DC.

Washington DC is divided into how many sections? has a map of DC with all of the metro stations. Those are named after the neighborhoods that they are in.

Was washintion DC named after george washintion?

Yes. It is the ONLY US State named for a President.

Why was it named DC?

Distric of Columbia

Why does George Washington represent Washington DC?

Because Washing DC was named after him.

What is one fact about Washington DC?

Washington DC was named by george washington.

Why all Nepali all over the world see the Avenues TV Avenues TV website is

becase my brother works there... becase my brother works there...

What is the meaning of DC in the UKCC DC test?

It was named after a psychologist called Dennis Child.

Are there places named after Euclid?

There are cities in West Virginia and Ohio, a township in Minnesota and avenues scattered throughout the US.