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Q: What are all the big ideas of earth science?
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The big ideas of earth science are?

i don't know I'm mother- asking you bra bra

How does the big bang relate to earth science?

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How big is the mantel in miles?

Earth science reference table..

Why was earth science divided into so many branches?

the earth is like a tree. big and branched, complicated

What is the top thing studied in Earth Science?

i think its the ocean becuase its soooooooooooo big!

Example of big and small ideas?

what is small ideas an big ideas

What were some early ideas on how the earth was formed?

the big bang-- when space was all compressed into a tiny pin point of room. then it all exploded and all this stuff happened and ended up forming planets and stars and stuff

How life on Earth started?

If you believe Christianity, then God created the Earth in a week. Science states that a Big Bang happened, and life evolved from there....

How pollution related to earth science?

Pollution is when poisionous gases, debris, HCFCs, the Greenhouse effect etc. damage the Earth, which plays a big role in earth sciences.

What is the big ideas and the small ideas?

big ideas -flowers -Nara Palm tree

Which kind if people believes in the Big Bang?

All kinds of people believe in the Big Bang, but they usually have in common a strong belief in science and the truth of science.

Who do you think is responsible for earth?

We are all responsible for taking care of the earth. As for how the earth began, it all started with the Big Bang.