

What are all the chief roman god names?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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juno is one of them

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Q: What are all the chief roman god names?
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Who is the chief god?

In Greek mythology, it is Zeus, god of the sky. In Roman mythology it is Jupiter, god of the sky. They are both the same god who does the same things, just with different names.

Why is Jupiter called roman god of chief?

Jupiter was the chief Roman god of the gods, called also the king of gods.

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Yes! But they have different names because the Romans adopted all of the Greek gods into their religion but changed all of their names. Actaully Jupiter is Zeus's Roman equal

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If you mean Roman god, then it is Jupiter.

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Jupiter, the Roman version of Greek Zeus.

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Good question, all the planets' names except earth were named after roman gods and goddesses. Venus is named after the roman goddess of love, Neptune the roman god of water. Saturn the roman god of farming, Mars the roman god of war, Jupiter the ruler of all the roman gods. Uranus however was named after the Greek God (roman and greek mythology is different) of the sky. Even Pluto now not a planet was named after the roman god of the underworld or dead.

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No. Homer was Greek and used the Greek name Zeus for the chief God. Jupiter or alternatively Jove are Roman names for the chief God.

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The Roman god is Mercury.

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The parents of the Roman god Mars were Jupiter and Juno. Jupiter was the chief God of the large pantheon of mythological beings.