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Q: What are all the compounds that contain hydrogen and oxygen?
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What are three elements that are most often found in organic compounds?

Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen are the three main elements of organic compounds.

What organic compounds contain a element?

All do. They are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur.

What 3 elements do all carbon compounds have in common?

There are 2 elements that all the organic compounds have. They are carbon and hydrogen. Most organic compounds contain oxygen.

All what compounds contain the element carbon and usually the elements hydrogen oxygen nitrogen and phosphorus as well?


What elements are most commonly found in organic compounds?

all organic molecules contain carbon atomsCarbon, hydrogen and oxygen

What elements are in the organic compounds?

All organic compounds contain carbon and hydrogen as a minimum. Other elements are found in some organic compounds such as oxygen, nitrogen or sulphur.

What do all organic compounds have in common and list the four principal classes of organic compounds?

They all are formed from the same elements

What are three elements included in all organic compounds?

The three components that are needed to create small organic molecules are carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. These cells contain organic molecules and are essential to life.

Does every chemical compound contain hydrogen?

Not all compounds contain hydrogen, and there are many of these. Although there are also many, especially organic compounds, that do have hydrogen as a component.

Do all organic molecules contain carbon?

Yes, carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen, helium, and oxygen. It is present in all life forms and the chemical basis of all known life. In the human body carbon is the second most abundant element by mass after oxygen.

Do all alkalis contain oxygen and hyrodrogen?

Yes, all alkalis contain oxygen and hydrogen.

Do all compounds contain oxygen?

No. All organic compounds contain carbon. Almost all contain hydrogen, and most of them contain Oxygen and/or Nitrogen. Other elements occasionally show up in organic compounds, like Na, K, Ca, and others.