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Q: What are all the correct AR answers for Nancy drew with out a trace?
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Related questions

How old is Nancy drew in Nancy drew without a trace?

she is a teenager

Who is Nancy drew without trace personal appearance?

A really dumb person I tell you...

What is an example of a title of Nancy Drew?

One example of the title of an original Nancy Drew book is The Secret Of The Old Clock. The title of one of the new Nancy Drew books is Without A Trace. Both of these books were written by different people, both using the pen name Carolyn Keene.

Why can you NOT see a picture of Nancy Drew?

WikiAnswers does not support images. They cannot be seen in answers.

What is Nancy Drew?

she is a teen detective that solves mysteries! Nancy Drew is the main character of the Nancy Drew mystery stories, Nancy Drew on Campus books, and Nancy Drew Files books.

How old is Nancy drew in Nancy drew and the clue crew?

Nancy drew is in 20s or teens

What are the answers to the nancy drew text challenge?

You need to solve it yourself to win prizes, no cheating!

Is there a game like Nancy drew?

There was a Nancy Drew party game (board) and are Nancy Drew computer games.

Where is the computer on Nancy drew?

what do you mean were is the computer in nancy drew?

Does Nancy drew have a sister?

No, Nancy Drew is an only child.

Who is Nancy drew's father?

Nancy Drew's father is named Carson Drew. He is a successful lawyer in the fictional stories and plays a role in supporting Nancy in her detective work.

Is Nancy drew a famous person?

Nancy Drew was a fictional character in the Nancy Drew series. She was a junior detective-type.