

What are all the countries that deserts can be found in?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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For a list of all the major desert areas of the world and the countries in which they are found, click on this link.

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Q: What are all the countries that deserts can be found in?
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Which deserts are located in countries?

All deserts are located in countries except for Antarctica.

What are five countries where deserts are found?

Deserts are found in dozens of countries. Here are a few examples:United States Mexico Chile Egypt Botswana India Argentina

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Aphids can be found in all but the coldest of deserts.

How many deserts and in which countries can they be found?

There are about 2 dozen major desert areas in the world. For a list of these deserts and in which countries they occur click on this link.

On what continent are deserts found?

Deserts are found on all seven continents.

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Termites are found in all deserts except for Antarctica.

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Black widows are found in all the deserts of North America but are most common in the warmer deserts.

Are deserts found in all the inland south states?

no, not all those states have deserts

In what countries are Australian deserts located?

All Australian deserts are located in the country of Australia.

What animals can be found in all deserts?

Deserts occur on all seven continents and there are no animals common to all.

Can cold deserts be found at ground level?

ALL deserts are found at ground level. They do not float in the air.

Are cactuses found in all deserts?

No, the cactus isn't native to all of the world's deserts. It's a native plant of the Americas. So it only is found natively in American deserts.