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Carbon, silicon, germanium, tin, lead.

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Q: What are all the elements in the carbon group?
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What are carbon like elements?

The elements in the same family (group) as carbon would be the most carbon-like elements.

What elements are in the same group as sulphur?

carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur,selenium, and phosphorus are all in the same group

How did group 14 of elements get his name?

Group 14 is known as carbon family as the first element in the group is carbon.

What is the oxidation number for all the elements in the carbon group?

You are asking about group 12. Generally they shows 14 as the oxidation number.

Which two elements are in the same group or family?

According to Chemists, the elements of sodium and chlorine belong to the same atomic family as well as carbon and lead.

Which element is the head of the carbon family and called the basis of life?

'Carbon(C) is the 'head of the carbon family'. It is Group 4. The next two elements in Group 4 are Silicon, & Germanium. Carbon is the basis of life, because all organic matter be it vegetative or animative contain carbon. 'The element carbon has the ability to Catenate; that is to form long chains from which other non-metallic elements can combine.

What are three elements in the carbon group?

Carbon is in group 6, along with silicon, germianium, tin and lead.

Where is carbon group located on the periodic table?

Carbon group is 14th group of periodic table and among representative elements it is 4 A group.

What is the number of valence electrons for carbon?

4 electrons

What are the elements belongs to the group of double bond?

There's not really a "group of double bonds." There are five elements that'll do it - carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur.

What is the name of the group of elements that are poor conductors?

Non-metals in general are poor conductors of electricity. The elements generally regarded as nonmetals are: hydrogen (H) In Group 14: carbon (C) In Group 15: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) Several elements in Group 16, the chalcogens: oxygen (O), sulfur (S), selenium (Se) All elements in Group 17 - the halogens All elements in Group 18 - the noble gases

What do this elements have in common carbon silicon germanium tin lead?

they are all in the same group (column) in the Periodic Table