

What are all the facebook chat emoticons?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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These are the emoticons you can do in facebook chat:

:) = happy

:( = unhappy

:'( = crying

;) = winking

:P = tongue

:D = excited

:v = pacman

:O = gasping

o.O = confused

8) = glasses

8| = sunglasses

O:) = angel

3:) = devil

>:( = angry

:\ = unsure

:* = kissing

^_^ = kiki

>:O = furious

:3 = cat

:|] = robot

-_- = squinting

:putnam: = the face of Chris Putnam

<(") = penguin

(^^^) = shark

42 in a red box :42:

bold your words *words*

underline your words _words_

bold and underline your words *_words_*

God Bless You All!!

by: Nicole Zabala

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Wiki User

13y ago
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How do you make cool faces on Facebook chat?

You can find a list of emoticons in related links.

How do you get emoticons on Facebook?

in the chat put say :D :/ :( :'( :p than send, to make bold put like *something*

Where can you download chat icons?

You can download chat icons by installing Chat Heads which provides you with a range of smileys and emoticons for Facebook chats whilst you can download chat icons for other websites by inquiring on their official website.

How do you make icons for the chat on facebook?

You make icons on Facebook Chat by making certain smiles, frowns, animals, etc. and putting them on your chat. Some examples are:Smile - :)Frown - :(Wink - ;)Kiss - :*Shark - (^^^)Penguin -

How do you do cool smileys on Facebook?

I did some googling and found this website . Hope this helps.

Is there a frog Facebook emoticon?

Yes, but only using the Facebook Messenger app, which supports about 20 emoticons you can't get using regular facebook. They still show up properly in regular facebook chat though

How to make different faces on IM chat?

Depends on the chat, but on most you can put :( :) :D :/ :l and they will automatically turn into emoticons when you enter in the text. But on most there is also usually a little button with a smiley face, you click on it and it gives you all the emoticons. ;)

Is there any cool emoticons on facebook chat?

Here are a few cool emoticons: Cool Sunglasses; 8-| Regular Glasses; B) Shark; (^^^) Devil; 3:) Angel; O:) Pacman; :v 42; :42: Cry; :'( Robot; :|] Heart; &lt;3 Penguin; &lt;(")

How do you make the emoticons on facebook?

:) :( :o :p :'(

How to make big emoticons for facebook chat?

Just select an image on facebook and right click it and select "copy shortcut' or "copy image url".Then on the chat,right click and select "paste",after.find a number starting with 10000,then erase everything except the number and put [[ at start and ]] at end. ex.[[100000856377861]]

What are all of the emotions on facebook chat?


What are some emotions on facebook?

There are many emoticons on facebook.I'll list all that i know of- :D ;D :P (^^^) &lt;3