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endoplasmic reticolumn



golgi bodies


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Q: What are all the parts of the inside of a cell?
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Where is cytoplasm found at?

cytoplasm is found inside a cell, just inside the cell walls. It contains all of the parts of a cell (except the nucleus ).

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What does the inside of a stem cell look like?

It looks like many tiny parts of a normal cell. it has all the normal parts of a cell such as a nucleus, vascule, and cell membrane. it also has cytoplasm.

What does a inside of a stem look like?

It looks like many tiny parts of a normal cell. it has all the normal parts of a cell such as a nucleus, vascule, and cell membrane. it also has cytoplasm.

What are the 3 main parts of a cell?

The three main parts of the cell are the cell membrane (surrounds and protects the cell), the cytoplasm (the liquid inside the cell), and the nucleus (control center of the cell).

Which cell parts holds the instructions for making all of the cell parts?

The nucleus holds the instructions for making all the cell parts.

How do you use cell parts in a sentence?

I labeled all the cell parts in my drawing.Drawing the cell parts, I understood plant cells better.Once I understood cell parts, I wanted to be a scientist.

What does Cytoplasm do in the cell?

helps the inside parts of the cell to move and help the cell better

The parts inside of a cell which performs a specific function?


What are all of the cell parts called?

Cell parts are called organelles.

What is the inside content of cells called?

Everything inside a cell is not really one thing, but a bunch of parts. The substance that these parts are floating around in is the cytoplasm, but the core or center of a cell is the nucleus. The "powerhouse" of the cell is the mitochondria, etc. There are numerous parts to a cell, and it depends on if you are talking about a plant cell or an animal cell.