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i beleive its several things but the biggest part is not bathing and plain nastyness

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Q: What are all the sores that kayleigh houck has all over her body?
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Your dog has crusty sores all over his body Taking antibiotics for 3 weeks and getting worse What can you do?

Take him to the vet.

What's better for cold sores blisters or Carmen?

Anbesol is really a great medicine for cold sores.

Can Flucloxacillin be used when you have VERY bad cold-sores all around your mouth?

Probably not the best thing to use on cold sores around the mouth. It's more used to treat bacterial infections, and cold sores are caused by a virus. It may help heal the sores but you may not want to use it on your mouth as it could be toxic. Just get some over the counter cold sore cream to help heal te sores.

Can goji berries help cure cold sores?

No hun, nothing can cure cold sores. Over the counter cold sore creams or lysine can help heal them faster.

Does salt help cold sores?

yup i rub it all over my face and my nipples

Can you use magnesium sulphate paste bp on cold sores?

Probably not the best thing to use on cold sores, specially if they are around the mouth. That may aggravate your sores. The safest thing to use is over the counter cold sore creams like abreva.

What can cold sores that are red and blistery be?

They might be herpes simplex sores which are caused by a virus. That is what causes most "cold sores". You can get over the counter medicines for cold sores, ask your pharmacist for recommendations. If the directions on the label or from the pharmacist don't improve the condition, it may be something else that needs a health care professional to diagnose and treat.

Do face sores result from Heroin use?

Alot of drug adicts have sores all over their faces and arms because while high, they constantly pick and scratch at their skin.

What is the outcome of cold sores to the patient?

Nothing really. All cold sores do is cause pain full blisters or sores on the mouth. Cold sores don't cause any other infections and they can get less sever over time. They just have to be more care full with sharing food and giving oral sex to their partners which should be abstained from while they have a cold sore.

What vitamins should you take?

Along with your recommended dietary allowance of vitamins, a person's age, weight, and current health condition affect the type needed. Start by going over your daily intake of food then changes in your body. Something like frequent cold sores indicate a B6 deficiency in the body.

How long do saddle sores take to heal on horses?

Depending on how bad the sores are. If they have detroyed tissue, it will take over a week or two to heal. Small ones that just rub off the hair can heal in a couple of days.

Why are bedsores less likely to develop the body of a hospital patient if the hospital provides the patient with a water bed rather than a regular bed?

Bed sores are caused when pressure on the skin cuts off blood circulation, because there is no/little blood flow to the skin, the skin begins to die, resulting in bed sores. The pressure is more evenly distributed over the surface of the skin in a water bed, allowing blood to flow more freely, resulting in far fewer risks of bed sores.