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Q: What are all the spices of the rain forest?
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How many birds live in tropical rain forest?

there is 43 different spices of bird living in the amazon rain Forest

How many insects are in the amazon rain forest?

there are about 25 to 30 million spices.

Why is the Amazon rainforest so fantastic?

because its the largest rain forest and has the most wild life and most spices

What are the names of all the rainforests?

There are several rain forests throughout the world. There is the Central America rain forest, the Amazon, the African rain forest, the Southeast Asian rain forest, and the Madagascar rain forest.

Botany in the rainforest?

Botany in the Rain forest is just a study on all the plant species in the Rain forest

Where is the rain forest located?

There are more than one rain forest. For there is some in Hawai'i. While there is some other rain forests in South America and Asia. There are few rain forest in the world, but they are not all in one place.

Are all birds found in the rain forests?

no not all birds are found in the rain forest

Why are there so little rain forest?

because we all polluted the forest.

What layer of the tropical rain forest do ostriches live on?

None. Ostriches live on the savannah, not in the rain forest at all.

Which forest is the largest in the world?

The largest rain forest in the world would have to be theAmazon rain forest in Africa. This particular rain forest is teaming with all sorts of wildlife. It preserves the most species of animals and plants in the world.

Is a forest a dry place?

depends on what forest your talking about if its a rain forest it tends to be wet -all of the time- if its just a normal forest it will be damp but not as wet as a rain forest it can be dry if the the climate is hot

What kinds of plants and animals are found in rain forest?

all kinds of plants and animals live in and are found in the rain forest