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Something like "Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help you god?"

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Q: What are all the things a bailiff says in a court room?
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What is the judge's job in court?

A judge's primary role in court is to interpret and apply the law impartially, oversee the legal process, ensure a fair trial, and make decisions based on the evidence presented. They also manage courtroom proceedings, resolve legal disputes, and hand down sentences or rulings.

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The District Commissioner.

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The Court Clerk usually says this. What does this mean? how did it came to be.....

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No, he is a nice man. He offers to help Dill when he starts crying in the court room by giving him coke cola from his brown bag.

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when things get cool ... call and tell him hey if you dont believe me then lets take a DNA test. take him to court, get a court ordered paternity test and request child support.

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chief justice

In court people who write down what everyone says is?

They are stenographers or court reporters.

Can you sell your house if your ex husband is on the title?

You need his signature and he will receive half of the proceeds unless you have a court order that says otherwise.You need his signature and he will receive half of the proceeds unless you have a court order that says otherwise.You need his signature and he will receive half of the proceeds unless you have a court order that says otherwise.You need his signature and he will receive half of the proceeds unless you have a court order that says otherwise.

How do you prove payment of a ticket when the court says you didn't pay it?

If the court says you did not pay a payment, but you want to prove you did, show them the receipt. That is why keeping your receipts is such a good idea.

What phrase denotes the court proceedings?

Well, generally before an attorney speaks in court, s/he says "may it please the court"