

What are animals that only eat plants?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What are animals that only eat plants?
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What do you call animals that plants only?

If you meant "What do you call Animals that EAT plants only?" then the answer is Herbivores. Animals that only eat meat are Carnivores; and animals that eat both are Omnivores.

Animals the eat both plants and animals?

Animals that eat both plants and animals are called omnivores.

What is a name for animals who only eat other animals?

Carnivores are animals who eat other animals. Herbivores are animals who eat only plants. And Omnivores are animals who eat both plants and animals(most humans are omnivores).

What is Animals feeding on plants only?

Animals that eat only plants are called herbivores.

What are animals called what only eat plants?

Animals that eat only plants are called herbivores. Most herbivores (including the giraffe, macaw, ground squirrel, elephant, and many others) eat a wide variety of plants and plant parts.Herbivores

What type of dinosaur eat plants?

herbivores, who only eat plants and omnivores, who eat both plants and animals. it is canivores that only eat meat and not plants.

Why are zebras herbivores?

Because they only eat plants. Animals that only eat plants are herbivores.

Which are the hervivore animals?

Those animals which eat Plants only.

Heterotrophs that eat both plants and animals are referred to as what?

Heterotrophs that eat both plant and animals are referred to as omnivores. Animals that only eat plants and herbivores and those who only eat meat are carnivores.

What are animals if they eat only plants?


What types of animals eat only plants?

One would be to Koala. The Koala only eats eucalyptus leaves for its entire life!

What kind of animals eat only producers?

Carnivores are animals that only eat meat, Herbivores only eat plants, and Omnivores eat both.