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Depending on where they are used, high carbon steel or ceramic.

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Q: What are armor plates made out of?
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How was middle ages armor made?

it was made of steel plates

How strong is samurai armor?

Before firearms became common in combat (in the 1500s), samurai armor was made primarily of lacquered leather. Later armor was made of iron plates; this tameshi gusoku was, given the weaponry at the time, bulletproof.

Why is Stegosaurus's plate sometimes called its armor?

The function of Stegosaurus's plates is not known. One theory is that the plates were a sort of armor, and that is why they are often called a Stegosaurus's armor.

What is kevlar body armor made out of?

The protective plates, depending on the age of it, will be steel, ceramics, or kevlar.

What was knights armor made of?

Knights' mail was made out of iron rings. When the knights progreesed to plate armor, it was made of still plates sewn together. The Steel got better in quality over the ages, especially when firearms came to Europe.

What mammal is covered with an armor of plates?

An armadillo.

Why is the skin between the plates of armor on the armadillo important?

The skin allows the armor to be flexible.

What protected the knight's body?

A suit of armor made from metal plates protected the knight's body during battles. This armor was designed to cover most of the body and provide protection against weapons such as swords, arrows, and spears.

Who made body armor?

Body armor has been around for centuries, with some of the earliest examples believed to have been made by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Modern body armor has evolved and is now made by various manufacturers using materials such as Kevlar, ceramic plates, and other advanced materials to provide protection against ballistic threats.

Did the Saxons wear armour?

Yes, the Saxons did wear armor, typically made from leather or metal plates. Common types of armor included helmets, shields, and body armor like chain mail or padded garments. These were essential for protection in battle and warfare.

What is unicellular algae surrounded by thick plates of armor?


What was the body armor used in North Hollywood shootout?

Military grade level 3a body armor with trauma plates