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Q: What are baby wildebeast called?
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How long does it tack a baby wildebeest to learn to run?

a baby wildebeast can run almost from birth.

What does a wildebeast weigh?

It weighs 265--600 lb (120--270 kg). (Also, it's wildebeest, not wildebeast.)

How does a wildebeest kill it's prey?

a 'wildebeast' is a herbivore, so it doesn't eat meat, the wildebeast eats grass or vegetation. (:

What is the difference between a elk and a wilderbeest?

The elk and wildebeast have distinct physical differences, but elk live in North America and wildebeast live in Africa.

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What climate do wilebeest live in?

It's not an such thing as a wilebeest is called an wildebeast. Pronounceed as (WILDERBEAST). They live in Africa on the HOT, and DRY SAVANNA.

What is the role of a food chain for a lion?

First the grass, in which then the zebra/Gazelle/Wildebeast/etc, eat the grass, then the lion eats the Zebra/Gazelle/Wildebeast/etc.

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Walter went walking in the wild woods.

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Which species of animal does moderator shippeh use as her tag?

A Blue Wildebeast