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Q: What are bad absorbers of heat radiation?
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What are good absorbers of heat?

Good absorbers of heat radiation are like basically materials which are dark in colour. Because for some reason they tend to absorb more radiation than light coloured materials.

In general good absorbers of electromagnetic radiation are also good?

Yes, Good absorber of heat are good emitters of heat. And in both the way rate is same. This is Kirchoff's Law.

What are the best absorbers of thermal radiation?

Black, dull surfaces are the best absorbers of thermal radiation because the heat doesn't reflect off it unlike shiny surfaces.

What are perfect absorbers of radiation called?


What surfaces are better absorbers and emitters of thermal radiation?

Dark matt surfaces absorb heat radiation falling on them much better than bright glossy surfaces, such as gloss white or silver. They also emit much more heat radiation (at any given temp.)

Why black bodies are good absorbers of heat?

the color black is a good conductor of heat, so black bodies are good absorbers of heat

What are the two ways energy is transferred to absorbers?

Conduction and Radiation.

Are silvered surfaces good or poor absorbers of infrared radiation?

Very very poor, they have a tendency of blowing you IP.

Do all objects equally conduct absorb emit heat?

The emitting and absorbtion of heat is related to ' thermal radiation', whereas the 'conduction' of heat is a separate topic in physics. Firstly, thermal radiation is not equivalent across all substances. Darker coloured 'objects' such as those with a 'matt black' colour are the best emitters and absorbers of 'heat'. Lighter silvered 'objects' are the poorest emitters, the poorest absorbers, and the best reflectors of heat. Similarly, not all objects equally conduct heat. Metals are the best conductors of heat; and so non-metals are the worst. All Insulators do not conduct heat. Examples of good insulators are: plastic and wood.

Is a good reflector of radiation a good emitter of radiation?

A good absorber of radiation is a good emitter. Radiation is the energy that that comes from a source and travels through space or through something. Some examples of radiation include light, heat and sound.

The best absorbers of heat are colored?

black -- the less shiny the better. A dark coating means little light reflected. Heat is electromagnetic radiation with the high end in the infrared spectrum (think heat lamp), so it has some properties of visible light.

What type of surfaces are good radiators of heat?

Dull black surfaces they are also best at absorbing it as well. [Shiny and silvery or white surfaces are poor radiators and absorbers of heat. However they are very good in reflecting heat radiation.]