

What are bad snacks?

Updated: 11/9/2022
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12y ago

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As a general rule of thumb there aren't really any bad snacks as long as you eat them in moderation and do enough exercise.

But if you were looking for a compilation of different snacks that would be considered bad if consumed in excess, bad snacks would include:

. Crisps (E.g. Space invaders, walkers,)

. Chocolate (E.g. Cadburys Dairy Milk, Aero, Galaxy,)

. Toffees and such confectionary goods (Tofofee,

. Cheese (E.g. Cathedral cheddar, baby bell, cheese strings,)

But as previously stated if you only snack on these things sometimes they do provide health benefits (e.g. cheese + chocolate = calcium, toffees release endorphins to make you happy etc) so just don't gorge!

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