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Q: What are barriers in organizational communication?
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Explain the various barriers to organisational communication?

There are six barriers to organizational communication: * Poor structure to the communication * A weak delivery * The use of the wrong medium to deliver the communication * A mixed message * The message is delivered to the wrong audience * A distracting environment

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What is organizational communication?

Organizational communication is a subfield of the larger discipline of communication studies. Organizational communication, as a field, is the consideration, analysis, and criticism of the role of communication in organizational contexts.

Barriers of oral communication?

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How can the barriers to communication be removed?

Not all barriers to communication can actually be removed. Some barriers to communication can be removed by explaining more thoroughly.

What are the seven barriers to proper communication?

The seven barriers of proper communication are the following: Physical barriers, perceptual barriers, emotional barriers, cultural barriers, language barriers, gender barriers, and interpersonal barriers.

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What are barriers in communication that occur in a tall organisational structure?

In a tall organizational structure, where there are multiple layers of management, communication barriers can occur due to the long chain of command. Messages may get distorted or delayed as they travel through various levels, leading to misinterpretation or incomplete information being passed across. Additionally, employees at lower levels may feel intimidated or hesitant to communicate openly with higher-level managers, further hindering effective communication.

What are the personal barriers for effective communication?

The personal barriers for speech communication are nerves

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Identify three examples of barriers to communication

Physical barriers to communication?

There are many physical barriers to communication such as a speech impediment. Other physical barriers to communication include the inability to speak or hear.

What are the barrier to the communication?

The barriers to communication are physical, emotional, language, gender, cultural, interpersonal and perceptual are the seven barriers to communication.