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Q: What are basic tenants of Jainism Taoism and Confucianism?
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What are the basic tenets of taoism?

taoism important words

What is the basic theme of Confucianism?

The basic theme of Confucianism is respect and caring for fellow human beings. A believer of Confucianism should always try to be altruistic and selfless.

What Is the basic belief about Confucianism?

the basic beliefs in Confucianism is one great god and the lord of heaven which the worshiped and also offered sacrifices...

What is the basic religion in China?

Mostly a combination of Buddhism and Taoism.

Identify the two basic tenants of the ccor?

a and e

What are the basic tenants of zen Buddhism?

Eat when hungrySleep when tired

What is a basic principle if Confucianism?

To treat others as you would like to be treated.

What is the basic faith of Confucianism?

Confucius's golden rule of ethics is Do to others as you would be done by as Confucianism is a moral and ethical code as well as a religion

What is the difference between traditional Taoism and popular Taoism?

Traditional Taoism is derived from Taoist writings, such as the Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) by Lao Tzu (Laozi), the writings of Chuang Tzu (Zhuangzi), and the Tao Tsang (Daozang). It is a religious or philosophical teaching that puts great emphasis on the approach one takes to thinking and acting. It is somewhat ambiguous on most of the things Western thinkers consider the basics of religion or philosophy. Its ideas pertain to "effortless action" and "uncarved wood" (meaning simplicity). The basis of the belief is a balance between Tao (Dao), meaning "the way," and Te (De) meaning "virtue." The term popular Taoism might refer to two things. These share the grafting of traditional Taoism onto other beliefs. Chinese folk religion, which is so complicated and inconsistent in its beliefs that it has no name of its own, is often referred to in literature as Taoism (and sometimes as Buddhism or Confucianism). It is a set of ancient religions, ancestor worship, animism, shamanism, and magic, mixed to varying degrees with Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. It accepts many or most of the basic ideas of Taoism, but includes much more. This is practiced in China, and in some Chinese communities outside China. Taoism has influenced thinking outside China and outside Chinese culture. Many people refer to themselves as Taoist because Taoism has influenced their beliefs profoundly. They many be of many cultures, however, and of many religions. In my experience, these people prefer to take their Taoism from traditional sources, but have other religions, including Christianity, agnosticism, and possibly others.

How many basic tenants form the core of American democracy?

the answer is definitely 8

To what extent is Taoism based on the I Ching?

Toaism is the parent - I Ching is the son. This mean that I Ching is one of the basic foundation of Taoism. Tao is the way of human and all beings - I Ching is the way of nature.

What were the basic features of confusion philosophy in ancient china?

humanism and order were 2 basic features. His theory is called Ru in Chinese,that means Confucianism.