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Black holes are created when in a Supernova-explosion or after a collision between two neutronstars (which are mini black holes). The star collapses and the gravity becomes stronger and stronger, dragging everything towards the center. In the end, the gravity becomes so strong that not even light can escape.

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Q: What are black holes and how are they formed?
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Related questions

Why are black holes round?

Black holes are round because they are formed from dead stars and white holes. As you can guess a star is a sphere and that is why black holes are round.

Was the earth formed by black holes scattered throughout the galaxy?

No. Earth was formed by the accretion of material in the protoplanetary disk around the newly formed sun. Black holes were not involved.

Why are black holes formed?

black holes can be formed in a supernova explosion if the mass of the star is largeenoughusually they are created when a massive and dense star like a neutron star collapses

Why are black holes only in space?

Because they formed from stars, which are in space.

What materials are formed from the core of a supernova?

black holes and neutron stars

How a quasars are formed?

Quasars are thought to be distant super-massive black holes.

How black holes formed?

Black holes are formed when a big star explodes into a supernova (massive explosion) and the core collapses completely. The explosion carries on until the star forms a singularity (a dense point in which mass can be stuffed in), eventually inside a black hole.

Did galaxies form around super massive black holes?

It's generally believed that galaxies first formed around "ordinary" black holes and over time, they grew into super massive black holes as stars were slowly "consumed" by the black hole.

Are black holes terrestrial or gas planets or something else?

Black holes are black holes - they are totally different from anything else in the universe. Most black holes are formed from the collapsed cores of dead stars. There are supermassive black holes in most galaxies, but it is no known how they formed.

Where are some place black holes are located when they are formed?

The Large Hadron Collider in CERN

Do volcanoes make black holes in the water?

The black holes found in space? No. An underwater volcano or a split in the seafloor can leak magma into the ocean causing it to instantly cool. This is one way islands are formed. So the volcanic stone may be black, but they are not referred to as black holes.

Do black holes and neutron stars have any connection?

Only in that they where formed by the same process. A neutron star formed from a star with less mass than a black hole