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Possibly a vascular issue

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Q: What are blotches of small flat pink non itchy spots on legs and back?
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Red itchy spots on stomach back and arms?

The red itchy spots can be many different things. It could be some type of allergic reaction. It could also be poison ivy.

What are itchy tingly red spots on lower back round waist?

It can be sea lice if you were at a beach...

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What is four red spots on stomach different sizes, that don't itch?

What are small itchy bumps on face back and chest?

ye nans bummmmmmm

The symptoms are flu-like and there are red itchy bumps all over the back and stomach. What could it be?

If the symptoms you have are flu-like and there are red, itchy bumps all over your back and stomach, it could be chickenpox. Chickenpox usually starts out as a cold, and this is known as the incubation period when you are most contagious. After a few days, spots begin to develop over the trunk of the body, limbs and sometimes on the face. The spots develop a fluid-like center and are very itchy. You can take paracetamol or ibuprofen to reduce fever and apply calamine lotion to the spots to relieve itching.

What are the itchy flat spots on your shoulder?

it might be heat lumps/spots sitting near the fire alot if you are sitting near the fire alot sit a bit back fromit and these should go or try rubbing a bit of moisturizer on them

Why does your betta fish have small black spots on his or her back?

The Betta fish may have a fungus disease if there are small black spots on the back. It could also just be aging spots that some Betta fish get. You can purchase BettaFix at any pet store and add it to water to see if that helps.

Itchy spots on back abdomen and back of legs wanting answers?

Try washing your dirty self. HEY!! u dont have this problem, This problem can be embarrassing, annoying and is VERY painful and i wash myself all the time so unless you can help PROPERLY! dont answer at all, it doesnt help! >-(

Why do you have red spots on your stomach not itchy?

These spots on your back could be Water Spots, a disease caused by swimming in the lake. I know this because my best friend's mother is an assistant nurse and she confirmed that her daughter's case was Water Spots. If you haven't been to the lake within the past few months, you might want to get further information from a doctor.

Can you identify small spiders with three white spots on their back?

you can identify them if they have 8 lttle legs...

Why is the lump on back of your head itchy?

A lump on the back of your head that is itchy may be from an inset bite. If the lump does not go away, visit a doctor.

What method an allergist uses to determine an allergy is?

When I was tested, they pricked me in the back with a series of needles that contained things that I could be allergic to. The spots that were really inflamed and itchy were the ones that I was allergic to. It's really not that bad. I was fine, and I have a phobia of needles so that's saying something. It's very painless; just a bit itchy.