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Q: What are body coverings of a cheetah that helps it survive?
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I think they camoflauge.

How does the cheetah use its body movements to survive?

they run fast

What are different physical characteristics that a cheetah has that helps it survive?

The cheetahs body is designed for speed which the animal uses to escape predators and bring down prey.

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its some thing on the animals body that helps it survive.

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helps you survive

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What is the epidurmis?

I don't think epidormis is a word. Did you mean epidermis? The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin of a human or other vertebrate animal. There is another deeper layer of skin called the dermis which is protected by the epidermis which is the layer exposed to the elements.

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this is sombody

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pointy teeth

How do frog survive in their habitat?

By their body color.It helps them blend in.

What body part helps an animal survive adaptation?

its exoskeleton