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the bread disease is the vandals and spammers can be traced. And full benefits.

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Q: What are bread diseases?
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Related questions

What illnsses can bread cause?

Rotten bread may give you an upset stomach but it doesn't cause any diseases.

What are some Canadian diseases is the 1900s?

Theres one from bread and corn it starts with a P. Sorry i forgot

How are fungi harmful to us?

Fungi causes some of the most irritating skin diseases and the it also causes the bread mould.

Do bread molds cause any diseases?

some type of molds produce mycotoxins which is a chemicals that can cause you to get sick. Just by looking at the bread, you cannot tell if it is a bad type or not. so don't use.

Can fish eat wheat bread?

Probably not . . . you would for sure get scurvy, pellagra, and other diseases of malnutrition.

Are wheat bread items made with enriched flour any better than white bread?

Not especially, although there are fierce arguments over trivia concerning nutrition and food in general. The differences between flour milling techniques are fairly small. "Enriched" bread is called "enriched" because it is made with extra vitamins and minerals not naturally found in wheat. For people who live on the edge of rickets and other diseases of malnutrition, it can be important in preventing such diseases.

Why should one avoid Fast-Foods?

Fast-Foods like bread, pizza , burger , biscuits and bakery items made from refined flour , yeast etc remain deposited in the intestines, this results in constipation , dyspepsia, flatulence, indigestion, obesity , heart diseases, diabetes, intestinal diseases etc.

Why should one avoid Fast Foods?

Fast-Foods like bread, Pizza , burger , biscuits and bakery items made from refined flour , yeast etc remain deposited in the intestines, this results in constipation , dyspepsia, flatulence, indigestion, obesity , Heart diseases, Diabetes, intestinal diseases etc.

Can you name ten types of bread?

white bread wholemeal bread rye bread soda bread potato bread granary pitta bread flat bread garlic bread naan bread

What are diifferent types of bread?

pitta bread naan bread rye bread seeded bread white bread brown bread

Moist bread is wet bread?

moist bread is wet bread

What is a good bread?

Persian bread,Garlic bread,and Corn bread.