

What are carbon particles present in candle flame?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are carbon particles present in candle flame?
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Whats actually burning on a candle?

the flame of a candle is a reaction of oxygen with carbon to form carbon(iv)oxide and vapour

Why does a candle burn with a yellow flame?

Candle burns with a yellow flame because its an incomplete combustion. The temperature of the flame also relates to its colour and also the trace metal ions present will influence the flame colour.

What is made by a lit candle?

fire a single flame, light, exhaust fumes from the candlewax consumed, carbon dioxide

Is candle flame a source of light?

The flame of a candle is a source of light.

When burning a candle where does the smoke originate?

The wax and the wick burn, but not completely, the unburnt part being mainly carbon n the form of very small particles. These are quite hot and glow white, yellow, and red, and are resonsible for the 'flame' and its colour. After the particles leave the immediate area of the flame they cool down and don't glow any more. They are now the smoke.

What is by a lit candle?

fire a single flame, light, exhaust fumes from the candlewax consumed, carbon dioxide

When a candle is put under a tumbler why its flame goes after some times?

When a candle is put under a tumbler , the flame goes after somtimes . This is all because all the oxygen present in the tumbler has been used for burning.

What happens during a melting candle?

when a candle is lighted ; this is what happens : the solid wax melts and rises up the wick. The wax vapours react with oxygen to burn as a flame. The candle starts melting. This is a physical change. while observing the candle flame we see that the candle has 3 zones. Non - Luminous zone is the innermost zone. It appears as a dark zone and is the coldest part of the candle flame due to less oxygen. Then comes the Luminous zone , it is yellow and opaque. The glowing of carbon particles cause the flame to look yellow and emit light. Then , Invisible zone - it is the outermost zone of the candle flame. it is the hottest zone and cannot be seen with naked eye. Combustion reaction comes to completion here and carbon changes into carbon dioxide.

What makes glass black?

Incomplete combustion causes carbon dioxide to leave carbon behind on the glass

Why does a candle flame go out when you blow it?

To burn the candle flame needs a steady supply of oxygen from the air. Dry Ice is solid Carbon Dioxide and as you pour the dry ice gas over the flame you displace the air from around the flame and replace it with Carbon Dioxide. Starved of Oxygen the flame goes out.

How much heat is released from a candle?

This is a very vague question! How big is your candle? How long will you burn it for? Wax is a hydrocarbon, so in burning it you are breaking C-C bonds and C-H bonds, and forming new bonds in carbon dioxide and water - so you could do a calculation involving bond enthalpy data. But I don't think you meant your question that way. So.. how about this answer: 'Not much'. Things that burn with a yellow flame are not burning very effectively: the yellow flame is carbon particles that didn't get burned, glowing. If you hold a glass over your candle you will be able to collect all that as soot. Things that are burning blue are burning more efficiently and so producing more heat: they are using more oxygen too. If you have a gas boiler in yoru house it is important that the flame is blue not yellow. A yellow flame shows that your boiler is not getting enough oxygen to form carbon dioxide and will instead be producing carbon monoxide, which is poisonous. If you meant how hot is the flame, I'd guess about 600 degrees Celcius. A good roaring Bunsen flame is about 1800 degrees. anyone who knows specifically, please add to this answer!

How candle makes electricity?

Candles don't make electricity, but they make liquid wax and carbon dioxide from the flame.